Do One Thing Well

January 2025


To kick off the new year, I’d like to reflect on something remarkable—not what’s changed, but what hasn’t. This consistency is fundamental to who we are, and it’s worth calling out.


What hasn’t changed is our unwavering dedication to our clients, our community, and our craft. No mergers, no acquisitions, no new business lines, no distractions. We’re doing the same, focused, excellent work that we love every day.


It sounds simple, but it is far from easy. It’s hard to focus on just one thing. It’s even harder to do one thing well.

As we head into our 18th year, Fulcrum is more committed than ever to one thing: wealth management. To be truly great at something, you need to do a lot of that one thing and a lot less other stuff. A great wealth manager is a trusted partner who helps you achieve peace of mind and financial confidence. We collaborate seamlessly with specialized experts in legal, tax, banking, insurance, and more. As your wealth manager, we carefully coordinate your financial strategies to align with your goals, working closely with experts to ensure every detail serves your vision.


It helps that we are passionate about wealth management. Our passion keeps us focused on what truly matters: helping you achieve your goals with clarity and confidence.  It fuels our commitment to excellence and drives us to continually innovate and deepen our expertise. We measure our success by how much wealth we create for others. Enduring, transformational wealth.


It takes endurance to succeed in investing. We strive to build portfolios with the strength to withstand economic cycles, the agility to capture opportunity in downturns, and the discipline to execute our strategy in all market conditions.


More importantly, we build portfolios and wealth management plans that our clients can understand and confidently embrace. Even the most well-designed strategies will falter if our clients lack trust in us, disagree with our approach, feel burdened by excessive costs, or find their money tied up when they need it.


At the end of the day, we’re in the business of transforming lives. That might sound grand, but it’s true. Wealth, whether modest or substantial, that is managed well, and managed in alignment with the owner’s values, improves lives. It turns goals into reality. Our clients deserve nothing less.


Michelle Mathieu

For more about what Fulcrum stands for, check out last year’s letter and our tribute to our co-founder Bob Kuehn